E-Commerce Important Question Last year Question Sol Du Study material || Sol Delhi university Important || Last year Included
Question : write short note on Modes of electronic payment ? There are several modes of electronic payment available today that facilitate secure and convenient transactions. Here are some commonly used modes of electronic payment: Credit Cards: Credit cards allow users to make purchases on credit, with the issuer providing a predetermined credit limit. Cardholders can pay off the balance in full or choose to make minimum payments over time, with interest charges applied to the remaining balance. Debit Cards: Debit cards are linked directly to the cardholder's bank account, and purchases are made by deducting funds from the account. Debit cards can be used for in-store and online transactions, and the amount is immediately debited from the linked account. Mobile Wallets: Mobile wallets, such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay, enable users to store their credit or debit card information on their smartphones. Payments can be made by simply tapping or scanning the phone at con...