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Principles Of Marketing B.Com 5th sem du sol || Study material Pdf || Delhi University

  Understanding the Principles of Marketing: Marketing plays a crucial role in today's business landscape, where companies strive to connect with their target audience and create a competitive edge. Whether you're studying marketing as part of your curriculum or have an interest in the field, grasping the principles of marketing is essential. Target Market and Segmentation: The first principle of marketing is understanding your target market. Identifying the specific group of individuals who are most likely to be interested in your product or service allows you to tailor your marketing efforts effectively. Segmenting your target market based on demographics, psychographics, and behavior ensures that you reach the right audience with the right message. Product and Value Creation: A successful marketing strategy begins with creating a valuable product or service that meets the needs and desires of your target market. By focusing on value creation, you can differentiate your offer

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